Hi there. I’m Meghan, a freelance copywriter with a genuine love for writing bios, backgrounders and profiles. I have 20 years of experience in Public Relations and work with a diverse roster of clients. What I love most about crafting copy is getting to decipher the subtleties of what makes you, your art, or your organization tick.

To that end, I’ve worked in the audio and vinyl industry for over 15 years, developing brand strategy and marketing materials for some of the industry’s top studios and equipment manufacturers, as well as a select group of indie musicians and artists. My love of audio and storytelling recently collided in a few pieces for the Rebel Girls App – the digital extension of the award winning “Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls” brand.

You can listen to my audio story about the inimitable Megan Rapinoe here, and another about tech pioneer - and metaverse ballgown designer! - Cathy Hackl here.

 A native Rhode Islander, I currently live in Los Angeles with my husband, two daughters and very old dog. I’m an avid, yet pretty slow, runner, a novice surfer and an epic dance party participant (see also: two daughters).


Image copyright: Jess Koehler Photo